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Notice on the Continuation of Fingerprints Collection Exemption for Eligible Visa Applicants

    According to the latest arrangements, from today to December 31, 2024, the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland and Chinese Consulate General in Zurich will continue to exempt fingerprints collection for eligible applicants who apply for single entry/double entries business (M), tourism (L), family visit (Q2), transit (G) and crew member (C) visas.

    Chinese Visa Application Service Center (Bern) Tel: 0041-586188988;Email:berncenter@visaforchina.org

    Chinese Visa Application Service Center (Zurich) Tel: 0041-586188999; Email: zurichcenter@visaforchina.org 

                                                                    Chinese Embassy in Switzerland

                                                                 Chinese Consulate General in Zurich

                                                                            December 15, 2023

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